creating friggin awesome pillows you can’t live without!
Let me start off by saying my name is Katie, and I am addicted to fabric… My love for textiles is fierce.
Amazing fabric just speak to me and I love how it can add so much personality to any space whether it is big or small, old or new or if you are on a budget or have endless funds to spend! So naturally, pillows are the “sass” that can bring any space to life!
My goal with The Sewing Nerd is to create friggin awesome pillows that you can’t live without!
I am a nerd at heart. I love a good fanny pack, 80’s music, 90’s rap, a healthy stash of office supplies and Jazzercise. In order to create this awesomeness, I jam out in my sweat shop with the music turned up loud. It gets my creative juices flowing while I pour blood, sweat and tears (literally) into my sewing.
I have two fantastic kids, who I swear are growing by the minute and are eating me out of house and home; and an even more fantastic husband who just kills it at life and supports my crazy dreams. Bless his beautiful soul!
I am super pumped to share all of my finds with you. Everyone needs some kick ass pillows in their lives! So go look around, see if anything catches your eye… I bet you find something that speaks to you!
Our Purpose
Here at The Sewing Nerd we work hard to create friggin awesome pillows you can’t live without!
I mean, yes... there are a bazillion different pillow shops out there, but here you can browse all our handmade goods knowing you are supporting a pretty rad, small makers’ business.
Every item that leaves my shop is handmade, with a little sass and with fabrics and textile that are handpicked and inspected by yours truly.
I believe pillows can bring joy into your life, a lot like children. Only pillows don’t talk back. Life is too short, buy the damn pillow! I hope you love our pillow designs as much as I do, because they are pretty kickass!